Run a Node

Setting Up Your Node:

The following tutorial is done on an Ubuntu Linux 20.04 (LTS) x64 instance machine.

Node Installation:

This guide shows how to install and run an Polygon full node.

How to install Polygon from source:

  • Before you start, you might want to ensure your system is updated. You can also install a utility named jq to read and navigate in JSON files and outputs (other utilities could be installed too).

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y build-essential curl wget jq

To install Heimdall, run the below commands:

curl -L | bash -s -- <heimdall_version> <network_type> <node_type>

That will install the heimdalld and heimdallcli binaries. Verify the installation by checking the Heimdall version on your machine:

heimdalld version --long

Open the P2P port (26656 by default)

sudo ufw allow 26656

To install Erigon, run the below commands:

git clone
git checkout v2.60.4
make erigon

That will install the Erigon binary. Verify the installation by checking the Erigon version on your machine:

erigon version

Open the port (30303 by default)

sudo ufw allow 30303

Create a new erigon service file

sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/erigon.service
ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/node/

The configuration below assumes that you are running it on amoy

sudo nano config.yaml
chain: "amoy"
bor.heimdall: ""
datadir: "/var/lib/erigon/data"
#ethstats: ""
http.api: [ "eth,net,web3,erigon,txpool,bor" ]
http.port: 8545
snapshots: true
bodies.cache: 21474836480
db.pagesize: "16kb"
db.size.limit: "32TB"
#mine: true
miner.gaslimit: 30000000
#miner.etherbase: ""
#miner.sigfile: ""
#miner.recommit: "125s"
txpool.accountslots: 16
txpool.globalslots: 32768
txpool.accountqueue: 16
txpool.globalqueue: 32768
maxpeers: 50
port: 30323

Run erigon using configs provided in the config.toml

sudo nano
#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -x #echo on
/home/node/erigon/build/bin/erigon --config=/home/node/config.yaml

Once the has been configured, we are ready to start the node and sync the data:

Start Heimdall Service.

sudo service heimdalld start
  • Check logs in real time.

journalctl -u heimdalld.service -f
  • To verify that the heimdall node is synced before proceeding.

curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq .result | jq .sync_info

Make sure that you have "catching_up": false, otherwise leave it running until it is in sync.

Now once Heimdall is synced, run.

Start Erigon.

sudo service erigon start
  • You can check Erigon logs here:

journalctl -u erigon.service -f

Last updated